
Car Boot sale

One of my Japanese friend lives in Southampton , she is a Sakura's babysitter, taught me about the Car Boot Sale. I tried to go there and got several baby's stuffs.  
I have never been to such a place in Japan. Are there looks like a venue in Japan too?
It is nice to get baby stuffs because baby's growth is really quick.

Play group in UK

I joined a play group in a church near the tennis club. The church was big and had a lot of mothers or fathers and children. I could talk with several mothers and found a Japanese mother♪

We became a witness of a wedding ceremony

We became the witness of our friend's wedding ceremony♪What a wonderful experience for us!!!
We didn't know that there is like a ceremony room in the county centre. We thought we just do the sign to the paper ,that is why we went there to wear the casual clothes. Sorry.
Of course ,Sakura also one of the witness(^ε^)
The man who is like a ministry took this picture .. Unfortunately, it is not clear^_^;
But we had a preciousness time. Thanks and congratulations.