
Harry Potter's location (last September 3,2010 )

I forgot to post these pictures. These are taken in Lacock Abbey, one of the Harry Potter's location.
We visited there in a weekday of the last September. That is why there were not another no other people in there.

The abbey is located in a small idyllic town.   

The weather was excellent, not too hot, not too cold, comfortable wind and the sky was blue sky
How do you feel this shape of the What is your first impression when you see this building? It looks like a small castle, doesn't isn't it?

I was wondering why the abbey doesn't have the cross crucifix.
I should ask someone about that.
I asked a tutor about that. She said it is not church. The church has the crucifix.
I see.

The building was made/built from stones and has some nice shape windows.

Did you remember this cloisiter corridor?
Maybe I watched it in the Harry Potter the movie♪

Inside the cloister corridor, there are some beautiful caved pillars and ceiling.

This is the proof that the abbey was one of the location of the Harry Potter movie.

I am not sure what number of the Harry Potter movie series I have watched this pot.
But I remember Harry was inside the pot.  but...why did was he inside the pot...? I can't remember.

And the garden location of the movie is also inside the building. located place.
But it has not a fountain.

I watched the garden like this picture in the movie.
This pictures shows what I saw in the garden when I watched the movie. It has a fountain.

There were a lots of sheeps in the expansive field around the abbey.  

We are looking forward to watch the last series Harry Potter movie !!!