
Growth Record , June / 2012

"I am exercising with my dad. It is fun !"
She was sitting a little by herself.
"Today is a bank holiday so my dad is at home. I like to sit on my dad's knee. We are watching TV together♪"
We bought a new camera! Nikon D3200. It is nice!
"My dad can sleep well every time everywhere ."

"I started to eat solid food at 20th of May. I am eating a risotto with carrot now. It is yummy♪"

Did she practice flying? She did it so many times.
How do you think about this photo's quality? I took it by Nikon.
"Dad! What are you talking with mam?"
"Mam. Are you taking my photo?"
Funny face(^~^)
She started to repeat roll over a lot of times during she playing.
"I like this book ! Please read it, dad"
"There are some like a window that I can open them on the book."
"But I sometimes wants to watch TV. Fuuuu"
"Can you find my mam on the court? She is having a tennis match."
"I am waiting for her on my push chair with my dad. Dad gave me a toy.  "
"They are our friendly teammates."
"Please take my photo more and more !"
She became can sit a little like this.
"I want to moooove."
She started to play with her spoon when she eating.
"I like to hear mam's song. She plays with my leg during she is singing. "
She started to play with a plastic bottle.
One of my favorite photo of my daughter. Really cute♪
Sakura laughed when I made some sounds.
Sakura tried to move kicking the flooring.
Does she look like me?
She got a tooth.
U...n, Sakura looks like my husband...? you are cute♪
Surprise!!! Sakura's legs became thick !
"I got my new chair♪ My mam got it at the car boots sale for 5 pounds"
Sakura got second tooth the end of May. 


Growth Record, May / 2012

Sakura started to roll over just left side the beginning of May. 

Our friend invited us for dinner. Sakura could wait on the car seat during we had a delicious meal. 
They love "Salmon Teriyaki" (#^-^#) Can you find it on the table?
We visited a shore and had a lunch at a restaurant.  We could get there around 1 hour from our house.
It was still chilly day.
" I am excited on the tennis court!!!"
"I like building block. Look! I can grab it !"
Sakura was taking a nap to use big Sheep soft toy.
She had still eczema on her left cheek. I took a medicine that GP prescribed 3 times a week. It was getting better.
Sakura was really happy♪I visited a Japanese friend house to meet Japanese mothers and babies with Sakura. We could meet 6 mothers and children.
"What is this? It is soft..."
"My dad's colleague and his wife came our house. I played them and cried a little... sorry"
Sakura got a cold with runny nose...
"I am sitting !!! "
He is my husband's personal trainer. "It is comfortable to sit here"

"I am driving !"
"I am tired a little to lift my head"
" I am in a park in Southampton with friends. I cannot move ... I want to play with my friends."
"They are my friends !!!"
"I am sneezing ^_^; at a really nice park in Winchester. My dad is playing tennis. "
How wonderful view it is !
There was a cricket ground there.
Can you find my husband?
"Wow ! Really high !! Nice view"
" I am counting my finger..."
"I am in my sitter's house. I am hearing their talking. "
"I like to sit on this chair but it is not mine... "
" My mother got the toy for 1 pound at the car boot sale. "
I asked my friend, she is a painter to paint this picture.
You can see the paint from here. Please check it !
I like this picture. She was so cute♪